
What is U-POPs?

U-POPs or Unintentionally produced Persistent Organic Pollutants are toxic chemicals that unintentional by-products such as Dioxins and Furans which difficulty decompose, far-spread and accumulate in adipose tissues of human and animal aslo have long-term toxic impact on health and environment.

Source of U-POPs

U-POPs are formed in by-products from various processing. The major sources of environmental releases of U-POPs are classified as follows:

  • Metals smelting, refining, and process: U-POPs can be formed by primary and secondary metals operation including ore sintering, metal smelting and scrap metal recovery.
  • Combustion: U-POPs can be formed by combustion including waste incineration, high-temperature sources, uncontrolled combustion (forest fires, open burning, and various fuel combustion).
  • Biological and photochemical process: U-POPs can be formed by biodegradation, decomposition and fermentation at the specific condition.
  • Reservoirs: U-POPs can be released from the existing sources. Ball clay, soil, sediments and historic dumps can deliver U-POPs to atmosphere from previous accumulation.

Moreover, U-POPs are classified by activities as follows:

  1. Waste incineration
  2. Ferrous and non-Ferrous metal production
  3. Power generation and heating
  4. Production of Mineral Products
  5. Transportation
  6. Uncontrolled Combustion Processes
  7. Production of chemicals and consumer goods
  8. Miscellaneous
  9. Disposal/Landfill
  10. Identification of Potential Hot-Spots

Effect of U-POPs to human and Environment

Due to U-POPs are difficulty decompose and far-spread, they enter into food chain through various channels in environment. U-POPs accumulate in accumulate in adipose tissues of human and animal and have long-term toxic impact on health and environment by entering into body 3 ways including short-term and long-term effect.

Acute effect

  • Skin irritation such as patchy darkening of the skin and chloracne (severe skin disease with blackheads and acne-like lesions)
  • Conjunctivitis inflammation
  • Headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting

Chronic effect

  • Nervous system
  • endocrine system
  • immune system
  • carcinogenicity